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Candidates with IB and EB diplomas

Important additional information for candidates with IB and EB diplomas

IB or EB diploma holders enter all subjects, levels and results of the written part of their maturity exams (oral exams are not taken into account) in the education form of the UW Internet Recruitment of Candidates system (IRK), and also attach scans of their diplomas/certificates containing the IB/EB exam results on their registration accounts (as well as in question sets related to their enrollment applications).

If a candidate does not have his/her maturity results (does not have a document entitling him/her to undertake studies) at the stage of registration for studies, he/she has to select only the subjects and exam levels in the education form, and after obtaining the maturity results, complete them in the above-mentioned form, as well attach a scan of his/her diploma/certificate containing the maturity exam results to the registration account, as well as to the question set(s) in his/her enrollment application(s)).
Candidates have to complete the maturity results and add a scan of the diploma/certificate until the last day of registration for a given field of study or, in the case of first-cycle and long-cycle Master’s studies (full-time and part-time, if they have the same registration deadlines as for full-time studies) – until July 12, 2024 (in the September round – until September 17, 2024).

Equivalent levels of maturity subject results (languages and mathematics)

Candidates with IB diplomas:

subjects levels they should be entered by candidates into the UW IRK system as the following levels:
mother tongue or foreign language Ab initio or B SL SL
A (SL or HL) or literature and performance* HL
Mathematical Studies SL SL


* foreign languages at level A (HL or SL) or literature and performance are taken into account as bilingual in the recruitment process at the UW (this rule doesn’t apply to the Polish language) – please check Bilingual level below.


Note on the Polish language:

In the case of the Polish language exam for the IB diploma:

  • levels A (HL or SL) and B HL are taken into account as HL (advanced level); a candidate should choose the option “Polish language” and enter his/her result in the field HL level on his/her registration account;
  • levels Ab initio and B SL are taken into account as SL (standard level); a candidate should choose the option “Polish language” and enter his/her result in the field SL level on his/her registration account.

If admissions rules for the programme so provide, in case of candidates who do not have the possibility of taking Polish language examination within the International Baccalaureate (IB) we take into account language A or literature and performance. A candidate should choose the option: “language A/literature and performance (in case of lack of Polish language)” on his/her registration account. Additionally, s/he should indicate the language, which s/he has passed on the level A/literature and performance (a candidate chooses e.g. ‘IB English language (A/literature and performance)’).

Important! In the qualification procedure of candidates with the IB diplomas for studies conducted in the Polish language, the admissions committees may require the attestation certifying candidates’ Polish language skills  – more information

Candidates with EB diplomas:

subjects levels they should be entered by candidates into the UW IRK system as the following levels:
L1, L4 or L5 elementary level
mother tongue or foreign language L1+3, L2 or L3 advanced level
L2+3* advanced level
2(x45) or 3(x45) elementary level
other subjects 4(x45) or 5(x45) advanced level
5+3 (additionally for mathematics) advanced level


* foreign languages at the level L2+3 are taken into account as bilingual in the recruitment process at the UW (this rule doesn’t apply to the Polish language) – please check Bilingual level below.


Note on the Polish language:

If admissions rules for the programme so provide, in case of candidates who do not have the possibility of taking Polish language examination within the European Baccalaureate (EB), we take into account language L1 or L1+3. A candidate should choose the option: “language L1 (in case of lack of Polish language)” on his/her registration account. Additionally, s/he should indicate the language, which s/he has passed on the level L1 or L1+3 (a candidate chooses e.g. ‘EB English language’).

Important! In the qualification procedure of candidates with the EB diplomas for studies conducted in the Polish language, the admissions committees may require the attestation certifying candidates’ Polish language skills  – more information 


The EB result of a foreign language at L2+3 and the IB result of a foreign languages at A (except for Polish language) or literature and performance are taken into account as bilingual and converted into the advanced level according to the following formula:

R =D x 4/3


  • D is the result at the bilingual level
  • R is the result at the advanced level

The result R doesn’t exceed 100%.